Nourish A Pet | Soulutions
Emergencies happen
Stress during a crisis can trigger the release of cortisol and other stress hormones, lowering the overall vibration of the Global and Community’s well-being. Animals are proven to provide joy and human companionship. Animals can also provide emotional support to people with mental health concerns.
We provide financial grants for pets in need of life-saving veterinary care.
Many animals are brought to a veterinary hospital in crisis with life-threatening conditions. Many owners cannot afford the critical care. This is economic euthanasia: a treatable, but urgent need for treatment may lead to an animal that has to be euthanized because the access to funds is unavailable due to the urgency of need or lack of available, liquid resources.
Anyone can fall prey to ECONOMIC EUTHANASIA in the world’s current, precarious financial state.
The Nourish My Pet program and network are an effort between NOURISH MY SOUL’s Nourish My Pet Support Animal Fund, animal rescue groups nationwide, volunteers, and pre-screened veterinary hospitals throughout the U.S.. NOURISH MY SOUL’s Nourish My Pet Support Animal Fund provides financial assistance to pet owners who can’t afford all or part of their pets’ critical care.