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To Book Krystal Tini, contact to request Krystal Tini to speak at your event, for an appearance on your show, or to consider your product for representation.

Krystal Tini TV archives

February 2022 - September 2022

Krystal Tini Influencer.

Truth seeker. 

Bomb dropper. 


​Krystal does not come with a sugar-coated topping. Her raw, edgy delivery of current happenings is how she has become known. If you are seeking truth - in its purest form - you'll find it.  Most recently, she has been on a journey of helping others while recognizing the importance of reprogramming our subconscious mind.

She asks you to dig deeper and swim further than the shallow depths that are mainstream news, allopathic medicine, and collective consciousness.

How can we evolve when we barely get our feet wet?

How can you navigate your own journey when you allow propaganda and fear mongering to hold you back?

Fear is not in her vocabulary; bravery, inspiration, and courage are.

The only way to make change is to create waves. Lots of them.


Krystal Tini TV

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